19 Apr Update on Hepatitis B Vaccine Shortage
Merck has not been distributing its pediatric hepatitis B vaccines since mid-2017 and has informed the CDC that it will continue to have a limited supply during 2018. On its Current Vaccine Shortages & Delays webpage, the CDC said GlaxoSmithKline will mitigate the shortage of pediatric HepB vaccines with supply to meet full demand in the United States. GSK will do so using its monovalent pediatric HepB vaccine (Engerix-B Pediatric) and its diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP); HepB; and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) pediatric combination vaccine (Pediarix). “The expected monovalent supply will provide sufficient vaccine to cover the hepatitis B birth dose for all children, as well as additional pediatric hepatitis B vaccine for second and third doses,” the agency said.
In addition, the CDC states that Merck is not currently distributing its adult hepatitis B vaccine and does not expect to be distributing it throughout the remainder of 2018. “GSK has sufficient supplies of adult hepatitis B vaccines (Engerix-B Adult) to address the anticipated gap in Merck’s supply of adult hepatitis B vaccine during this period.”
NOTE: PAA offers members best pricing on GSK vaccines.
In addition to best pricing, participating members have the opportunity to
earn rebates from GSK and PAA.
If you are interested in participating with our GSK vaccines agreement, please email hmckelton@physall.com. Not a member? Join today!
Related Links
AAFP News: GSK to Compensate for Merck’s Pediatric HepB Vaccine Shortage
CDC: Current Vaccine Shortages & Delays
Pediatric Hepatitis B Vaccination Guidance during the 2018 Supply Shortage