PAA Members
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Physicians’ Alliance of America is a nonprofit group purchasing organization founded in 1992 by a handful of physicians concerned about the rising costs of operating a practice. Our mission is to help our member practices improve their bottom lines by providing preferred pricing and terms on a range of products and services practices commonly use.
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The PAA Advantage

Free Membership & Voluntary Participation

PAA offers free access to a comprehensive portfolio of products and services covering key areas of practice operations. Our members choose which agreements they want to access.

Preferred Pricing

We have partnered with quality vendors to offer discounted pricing to member practices of all sizes and specialties nationwide.
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Rebate Opportunities

The PAA Vaccine Rebate Program offers members the opportunity to earn rebates from PAA based on their vaccines sales. Click the VRP logo below for more information.

Purchasing Power

With the purchasing power of over 13k practices, we are able to negotiate preferred pricing and terms practices are unable to obtain on their own.
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29 Year Track Record

For 29 years, PAA has provided members with significant savings opportunities to help improve their bottom lines. As an industry leader, we continually strive to make membership even more valuable to our members.

Service and Commitment

At PAA, our members come first. Your commitment is to serving your patients. Our commitment is to serving our members by helping them reduce costs, increase revenue and educate their staff.

PAA Team

Jenny Watters
Chief Executive Officer

Patty Fernandez
Chief Operating Officer

Heather McKelton
Director of Member Accounts

Nicole Gasbarre
Membership and Communications Coordinator

Emma McBride-Taylor
Marketing and Education Coordinator

Vaccine Rebate Program

Ready to save? Complete the membership agreement!