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No Minimum Order Required for LILETTA IUD

No Minimum Order Required for LILETTA IUD


PAA’s agreement with Allergan not only provides members with a significant discount on the Liletta IUD, but also allows practices to place orders of any size with no minimums. PAA members can receive the lowest available price and have the opportunity to purchase only what is needed.

Log in for pricing information and to learn how to access our agreement with Allergan. Not a member? Join or contact us to get started!

Physician Feedback

80% of PAA’s Women’s Health practices have purchased the Liletta IUD through our agreement.

Read what some of them have to say:

“The Liletta IUD savings received through our partnership with PAA allows us to provide our patients with one of the best contraceptive options available, while maintaining a profit for our practice. Because of these reasons, Ogeechee OB-GYN uses Liletta as our preferred hormonal IUD. 

The excellent pricing and purchasing opportunity through PAA is something we’ve never seen in the IUD market. Therefore, we feel very confident sharing our positive experience with other practices in the OBGYN community. Clinically, our patients are very happy with Liletta, 52mg Levonorgestrel IUD.” 

 Benjamin Oldham, MD, FACOG, Ogeechee OB-GYN – Statesboro, GA

You’re doing a great job of helping to make IUDs affordable!

Eileen Gibbons, MD, Seattle Medical and Wellness Clinic